Don't Let Your Peace Stolen by some one /Joyce Meyer - Sermon 2018/

Joyce Meyer - Don't Let Your Peace Stolen by someone Sermon 2018

The devil can do his best to steal your peace. Your peace is huge bother to the devil as a result of Romans 8:6 says: "For to be carnally minded is death: however to be spiritually minded is life and peace."

What is carnal-mindedness? The word carnal suggests that "fleshly," so, to be carnally minded suggests that to be physical minded, to be world system-minded, to be void-of-the-Word-minded. and also the Bible says to be carnally minded is death. Death is separation from God. thus Paul has spoken the language here that to own a mind barren of God's Word is to be separated from God. to own a mind of the flesh is to be separated from God.

You have no communion with God after you have a mind of the flesh. Carnality, the Bible says, is enmity against God (Romans 8:7). square measure|you're} dead and separated from the items of God after you are carnally minded. Jew said: "The words that I speak unto you, they're a spirit, and that they area unit life."

(John 6:63) To be spiritually minded is to be Word-minded. And to be spiritually minded is life and peace. A mind that's not laid low with the Word may be a mind that doesn't have peace.

"Okay," you say, "but what do I do once I haven't got peace?"

Do what the Bible says to do—seek peace and pursue it (Psalm 34:14), that is, pursue the Word. Whenever you lack peace, stop what you are doing right then and acquire within the Word.

Don't pace around the area wringing your hands and inarticulate, "Oh, Jesus, provide American state peace," as a result of all He will say is, "I've already given it to you." No, no. Seek, inquire for, and crave peace and pursue (go after) it within the Word.

Open your Bible; browse it; meditate thereon; focus in on it. Peace is within the Word of God. If you are looking for peace anyplace except within the Word, you are looking for it all told the incorrect places.

So why is that the devil once your peace? The Bible says Devil comes straight off "to deduct the Word that has been seeded in your heart." (Mark 4:15) however, Jew keeps telling the U.S.A. to let not our hearts fret, to carry on to our peace.

Now let American state tell you why peace is bothered to the devil. Peace is our watcher. The devil desires to require the Word out folks, however, he cannot take the Word from the U.S.A. as long as we tend to refuse to give up of it.

Blessed Sermon from our Pastor Joyce Meyer Don't Let Your Peace Be Stolen